Monday, December 20, 2010

Reading Jackie by William Kuhn

This was a well researched read that takes you into the working life of Mrs Onassis after the death of her second husband.
It was no secret that Jackie loved books and reading so the progression into the literary world that she took was not entirely surprising although the fact that with all those billions you might want to work is a little disconcerting but never mind, she helped to turn out some very fine books. None of these books the average person may have heard of other than Michael Jacksons Moonwalk, and Jackson was not her cup of tea! In true Jackie style, she and her co-workers prevailed and a reasonable book ensued.
At times this book became a little gluggy and a little more editing may have served it well, however the insiders look that it gives you and the honesty with which tricky situations are dealt make it a valuable source especially when Jackies contribution to American History is eventually evaluated.
Greg Lawrence has also written on this aspect of Jackies life and his book will be out in early January, his writing of such a book is notable in that Jackie edited his wife Gelsey Kirklands autobiography and it was a book that stood the american ballet community firmly on its head! Dancing on my Grave was its title.

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