Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oscary Candy Floss

Oscar my cat who passed away this week often sat on the top of the chair beside me as I tapped away and he did like to rest on a glossy every now and again so this ones for him!

Her Royal Hotness!
Brad`s rage....
Justin dumps Jess for Mila?
Adam Parore`s children need to be real brave as daddy climbs a rather big, scary mountain.
Megan Alatini escapes Japan!
Judy Bailey and John Hawkesby reunite and its for will be a winner!
Rachel Smalleys personal battle...
Wills spreads the love, the charm and brings a touch of hope to the people of Greymouth and Christchurch and gives many a reason to smile and memories they will always cherish (like them or lump them, there are times when the Royal touch is just whats needed)
Posh is having a girl!!
Mel Gibson`s plea deal.
Jewel is hit by a truck!
Ryan Phillippe may or may not be becoming a father for the 3rd time...
Bryan Adams most definitely is going to be a Father, this puts a whole new spin on the meaning of Personal Assistant!
Russell Crowe appears to be a little chubby but he did the right thing by Christchurch last week so really who cares!
Madonna is a little stressed!!
Bradley, Renee and Sandra?
I love my wife and my 14 life sized man tells his story and its almost unbelievable!
Kimberley Crossman leaves Shortland Street for L.A., hubby isn`t going either, good luck to her, she`ll need it, she`s entering a heartless meat market, pretty blondes are a dime a dozen!

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