Sunday, August 18, 2013

Firefly Lane and Night Road by Kristin Hannah

This is a new Author to me although Kristin Hannah has been writing books for a long time. Finding myself in need of a "Comfort" read these two books hit the spot and I found it very hard to put them down.
While in places repetitive, predictable and a wee bit mawkish they never the less told a good story, were well written, well plotted and with enough twists and turns to keep the reader going. The back stories of the characters were well lit and the characters themselves were well drawn and continued to develop as the story unfolded, there were perhaps a few more dramatics to their persona's than I like but this did not diminish my enjoyment of these books.
Fire Fly was by far the best of the two in my opinion, it flowed particularly well and its characters were bvery relatable, truth and consequences played a big part in this book as did grief and loss and the author handled this with a very deft hand, she had obviously done her research because for me everything she wrote rang true.
If you are looking for a read that is lightish but with a bit of meat on the bones then this author is for you, she deals in both books with contemporary issues that at one time or another have probably concerned most of us and she does it well.
Kristin Hannah has an extensive back catalogue, it is well worth dipping into

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