Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vanity Fair Magazine December 2010

The best of this months crop of magazines,more expensive,more adverts and a far more interesting cover than most.No recipes,No tinsel tips just Cher telling us nothing much really and using a lot of paper to do so,the late,lamented Sonny Bono gets a few more wacks,Chaz is doing fine!
Prince William has many burdens.
Barbara Walters had heart trouble.
There have been domestics over late night telly in the U.S.
A body was put in a suitcase.
Some good books have been published.
Some good columns have been written.
There have been family disputes of the Artistic Kind.
Harrison Ford is a happy man.
Not your average magazine and Cher...please remember that without Sonny you would not have had a career!

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