Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lady Blue Eyes, My Life With Barbara Sinatra.

Being married to old Blue Eyes was no piece of cake, despite the perks. Without doubt the most talented performer to have ever graced a stage, Frank was mercurial, temperamental and volatile to say the lest and managing him was not an easy task at all. Written with Wendy Holden this is an easy read, packed full of gossip and stories from The Old Hollywood, the days of Dean, Sammy, Liza and the gang it is rather witty and entertaining.It was an adventure that took a very pretty young girl from a small town in Missouri to California and via her second marriage to Zeppo Marx into the league of high rollers, with a talent for all things good, expensive and gracious she was propelled into a world that exceeding every expectation she dreamed of. I much admired her honesty in the portrait she drew of Frank, it would have been very easy to candy coat everything but she doesn`t although reality may have been stretched to fit desire in some places. Her devotion to her son Bobby is very admirable but the total exclusion of Sinatra`s daughters Nancy and Tina is a little petty and childish however the choice is hers and she has been written about by both girls in what she may have seen as an unfair manner(evil stepmother etc..)she doesn`t resort to bitchiness where they are concerned and does speak of Frank Jr. This is a book that had alot of humour in it and she doesn`t spare herself...I chuckled at the story she told of Frank working on a movie,the Director approached Frank and told him that they would have to work all weekend as they were 5 days behind schedule, Frank takes the script, rips out 5 pages and says Look, we are now right on schedule! Well what could the Director say to that!
A tale well told, this book is presently only available here in hard cover but when in soft cover it would make a fabulous gift for anyone interested in the Sinatra era or old Hollywood and the people who were a part of it. Equally you could order it from an Indie at a good price while the dollar is high and give it to someone you love for Xmas!

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