Saturday, September 14, 2013

Misconception by Jay-Jay Feeney

I have to say  before I write this review, going into the reading of this book I liked neither Feeney nor her husband and fellow Radio Breakfast Host Dominic Harvey, in the case of Harvey nothing has changed but I now like Jay-Jay way more and I sympathise with the myriad of difficulties she has faced throughout her life and other than infertility she has triumphed over them all and good on her I say. I much admired Feeney`s opening herself up in such a vulnerable way.
Her childhood and adolescence were a nightmare to put it bluntly but other than giving the reader the necessary details, Feeney`s book details her struggle to conceive and deliver her own child. And what a journey she has been on, stopping at nothing she lays the process out in unsparing detail and with a heartbreaking honesty. The path she has taken is neither easy or always successful and the toll on the body both physically and emotionally is enormous, yet in little things Feeney has found things to rejoice in, things to grateful and thankful for, she has also found support from others in the same boat via Message Boards etc and never does it appear that an experience shared has truer meaning.
I have to be honest and say that Feeney`s book has opened my eyes to the struggles that others endure and although my days of child baring are over( successfully), I will never be dismissive I hope of anyone who is struggling with the Infertility Issue.
There is a quite necessary amount of technical info in this book and I would imagine that for anyone under going IVF or struggling to understand the issue, this book would be ideal.
Available at all good Book Shops and via the Library System.

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